Air Sterilization

The easy & effective way to purify your residential and light commercial spaces.

How It Works

The Destiny Pure Air Guard UV-C System produces a UV-C light sterilizing the passing air. The system breaks down organic matter, killing bacteria, mold, and airborne diseases like COVID, Legionnaires and any airborne viruses. The Destiny Pure Air Guard UV-C System is enclosed safely in your air handling system. The light activates as the system is initialized. Our unique UV-C system is designed to work with residential and light commercial HVAC systems and is easy to add to existing systems.

Destiny Pure Air Guard UV-C system effectively sterilizes any harmful viruses and organic pathogens in the air. With your recycled air now clean. 

The UV-C light sterilizes the airflow to eliminate bacteria and viruses.The disinfected air circulates back to the living and work spaces. The UV-C Air Guard unit is located in the plenum Therefore, there are no threats to people and pets; just clean, safe air.

Benefits of Our UV-C System

  • Prevent airborne transmission by disinfecting the air.
  • Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).
  • Help with maintenance of the unit including Cooling Coils.
  • Safe and very effective.
  • Simple installation, for new and existing systems.
  • Cost savings via reduced energy use & maintenance.
  • Each UV-C Air Guard comes in its own case for ease of use and safety.

There is an indicator light when the UV-C tubes need to be replaced.

The Destiny UV-C Pure Air Control System makes life safer and healthier for residential and light commercial spaces.